Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday, Day 1, Week 4

Measurement day today. Can't believe it's been three weeks already. I don't think I've eaten properly according to the Warrior Eating Order for at least a week, so I need to get back to doing that or risk halting my results, I think. I should also be drinking more more consistently.




Weight: 178.5
Hips: 33.5
Waist: 32.25
Chest: 40.0
Neck: 15.0
Left arm: 12.5
Right arm: 13.0
Left leg: 22.5
Right leg: 23.0

Gone down another pound and a half without really losing any leg or arm measurements, so I'm presuming it to be fat. Hips have gone up by 0.25 but that could just be a random fluctuation. Waist down by only 0.25 instead of 0.5 this week, and I think it might be because I've stopped eating as well as I was to begin with. I'll have to work harder on that next week. I've also decided not to use those body fat calipers because I don't think they're accurate enough to really be worth it.

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