Front shot:

Back shot:

Weight - 184.0 lbs
Hips - 33.5 in
Waist - 33.5 in
Chest - 40.0 in
Neck - 15.0 in
Today I seem to be more alert than usual. Although running on less sleep than usual, I managed to pay more attention this morning than usual. The hunger isn't too bad, although I need to make a note to not hang around when the rest of the family is eating lunch. I kept getting urges to eat, although they seemed to disappear after I spent ten minutes or so there. I had an apple when I woke up, and I had a banana at lunch time. The hunger is definitely there, but it's not too bad. It's almost refreshing, actually.
4:30 PM now, and being hungry is starting to seem less refreshing. The hunger is always there, and it's definitely uncomfortable. Maybe the fact that I haven't drunk any water yet today doesn't help. 4:45 PM and I've had another apple now. That's taken away the edge of my hunger, and I'm feeling fine now.
7:30 PM - just finished dinner. Had about a dinner and a half in one sitting, and I'm feeling gooood about it. Initially I was worried that the apple had satisfied my hunger to such an extent that I wouldn't be able to eat as much as I should be eating, but I quickly disproved that theory. I had a half plate of omlette, followed by a half plate of fries, followed by a third plate of the pasta mix from last night. I threw in some of the same carrot/peas/beans/corn mix from last night as well. I guess that equates to almost two meals there. If I get hungry before bed, I'll reheat some more of the pasta mix. So I ate two meals, but yet I don't feel gross. I feel rather satisfied, actually, though I feel like I've got a very big stomach right now. However part of that slightly bloated feeling may be due to the three cups of water that I had in quick succession, and downed slightly too quickly. Either way, I'm feeling very satisfied, and rather stuffed. It feels good. I still haven't drunk any water today except for those three glasses of water, however, so I'll try to drink a bunch more once the bloated feeling wears off. I really need to drink more water each day...
10:15 PM - gonna go to bed now. I still feel nicely satisfied from dinner, and although I feel like I'm returning to a state where I'm gonna be borderline hungry soon, I don't want to eat again for fear of overeating, since I'm not actually hungry yet (although I think that I'll probably end up undereating on this diet, so we'll have to see how this goes). The hunger from earlier today seems almost like an unpleasant memory now, rather than a reality as it did earlier. I've drunk around a litre of water since the 7:30 PM entry, and it feels good. Tomorrow will be my first day back at school after starting this diet, so we'll have to see how that goes.
Concluding thoughts: The hunger was worse on the second day, but not unbearably worse. I really need to be drinking much more water throughout the day, so we'll see how much I down tomorrow. Concentration levels appear to be higher, but tomorrow will be the real test for that.
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