Most notable thing about today so far – I've had three litres of water and one litre of fruit juice. And I've had to piss like a racehorse. I had no idea before how much you gotta go to the washroom if you take in the right amount of water, since I'd never drunk enough water before, but it's quite impressive.
So, woke up at 6:15 AM today, and felt most decidedly hungry. At 7:45 AM, I had a fruit drink. Some strawberries, some mango, a little bit of Tropicana orange juice (I need to cut out the bottled juices, but it's
very thick without it), and some yogurt. It turned out to be about a litre of juice, and I drank it all. About an hour later, I was desperate for the washroom.
Didn't feel too hungry today. Ate an apple around 10:45 AM, and then proceeded to drink a litre of water over the next hour and a quarter. Didn't really feel very hungry. Drunk another litre and a half between then and 5:00 PM or so. Had a banana around 5:30 PM. Total of 3 litres of water drunk so far. The hunger isn't so bad while you're doing other things. Idleness brings out its edge, though. 7:30 PM now, currently idling, and currently feeling fairly hungry. I don't plan to eat until around 9:30-10:00 PM. I need to remember to stay away from where people are eating, though. When I smell meat, I get a strong urge to eat it.
11:30 PM - eaten at last. I had a plate full of about 5/6ths rice and 1/6th carrots and broccoli, and three chicken thighs with BBQ sauce to top it off. I ate the chicken thighs and veggies first, in accordance with the
Warrior Code of Eating (that's what
I call it, at least), and then the rice last. Surprisingly enough, I didn't have any problem with eating the veggies, and I even ate them without ketchup and without any complaint for the first time in as long as I can remember! (I
hate veggies)
I'm wondering if I'm beginning to experience the "instinctive eating" that Ori Hofmekler talks about, since I wasn't particularly interested in the rice (unusual), and I was more interested in the veggies (also unusual), and meat (of course). Perhaps this is because my body is learning to tell me what I need to be eating and what I shouldn't be eating. I wonder...
I was definitely more noticeably alert today. A study group that runs for only two or so hours ended up running for four hours, and although on a normal day I start to zone out and get drowsy and feel like I'm trying to work through a fog, today I had none of that even though it ran on twice as late as usual. Definitely more noticeably alert. Perhaps this diet actually works after all.
I'll need to make sure I get more food for dinner next time. I finished eating and I didn't feel bloated, didn't feel full, didn't feel stuffed. I merely felt satisfied. I could have eaten much more, and I worry that if I don't overeat, it won't make up for undereating.
Good news, though - this undereating has succeeded in having me drink around 4 litres of water today, in addition to the 1 litre of fruit drink this morning. I'm also learning to deal with hunger better, as well. What would have once had me complaining about how hungry I am now just seems like no big deal. Interesting. This is quite a fun diet, in certain ways.
Bed time now, at 11:50 PM. I don't really feel too tired, though I'm a bit more tired than I was at 11:30 PM. I'm wondering if having my Sympathetic Nervous System (referred to as SNS from here on) active all day means I don't get tired as easily, and perhaps I can run on less sleep? We'll have to find out. Day 3 down.
Concluding thoughts: The hunger wasn't so bad today, perhaps because I drank
plenty of water. The stuffing yourself at night is also an incredibly good feeling, and pretty much everything tastes good after fasting for 17 hours of waking time. I'm noticing that I'm more alert, and I'm beginning to suspect that I might also be able to get by on less sleep. I'm a little worried that this might just be the placebo effect, however. More to come on that on future days.