On Thursday night at 7:00 I stopped eating. For 43 hours. We were doing the 30 hour famine, to raise money for the poor starving children in Africa and all that. Since we were going to stop eating after breakfast, I decided to just stop eating after dinner that night and end up with another 13 hours of fasting. The hunger wasn't bad, probably mainly because I've become so used to it that hunger isn't a big deal to me any more. Even when those who weren't fasting busted out some food I didn't really feel all that hungry.
It was also my first day of any real exercise (though still only moderate in intensity) in five and a half weeks. Essentially the exercise was doing a fairly vigorous walk in hilly terrain without a path for half an hour on Friday night, and then some balls-out maximum effort jogging around 1:00 PM on Saturday. Oh and some fairly intense digging for treasure on Saturday morning. It wasn't that bad, even though I was running without food. I discovered how dismally out of shape I've gotten in 5 weeks, but I don't think there was much decrease in performance due to lack of food. This is good news for when I decide to start training again.
Concluding thoughts: Going without food even for 43 hours doesn't really feel all that bad any more. The exercise without food wasn't bad either. 43 hours of fasting may have messed up my or something, but oh well big deal, I'll just do it right next week.