Sunday, June 3, 2007

Sunday, Day 1, Week 8

No measurement day for last week because I was away for the weekend. I didn't eat particularly well last weekend, or for the following two days after it. I've now re-instated my no dessert rule, although I'm still not really eating according to the Warrior Code of Eating, so I should try to start doing that again.




Weight: 175.5
Hips: 33.5
Waist: 31.75
Chest: 40.0
Neck: 15.0
Left arm: 12.75
Right arm: 13.0
Left leg: 22.5
Right leg: 23.0

So the weight actually went up a half pound, and the waist stayed about the same. My progress seems to have stalled, so I'm thinking of giving up the warrior diet and switching to a more convential eating plan instead, to try and kickstart my body again.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday, Day 7, Week 5

I went to a friends house today and didn't end up following the Warrior Diet. I had a bunch of nacho chips with cheese on top at around 11:30. At around 2:00 I ate a bunch of candy. At around 5:00 I had a bunch of pretzels. Dinner was essentially some salad to start off with, and then a whole bunch of chilli. Oh and I also had some icecream and a slice of cake for dessert, and a slice of apple pie and some more icecream.

On a different track, after thinking about how my progress has stalled, and why my progress may have stalled, I've come to the conclusion that it may perhaps be due to the fact that I've been eating desserts recently, and that I've been eating more food than I need. Although you are allowed to eat lots on the Warrior Diet, that doesn't necessarily mean you're supposed to eat as much as you can. You're only supposed to eat as much as you need, and I think I've been eating more than that recently. I also think I may need to be drinking more water. So, for the next week, those are my goals. Only eat as much as I need, drink more water, and have no dessert.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sunday, Day 1, Week 5

I'm posting this 6 days after the actual event, because things have been a little crazy for me recently, so no thoughts for this post, since I can't remember back that far.




Weight - 179.0
Hips - 33.25
Waist - 32.75
Chest - 40.0
Neck - 15.0
Left arm - 13.0
Right arm - 13.0
Left leg - 22.75
Right leg - 23.0

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday, Day 1, Week 4

Measurement day today. Can't believe it's been three weeks already. I don't think I've eaten properly according to the Warrior Eating Order for at least a week, so I need to get back to doing that or risk halting my results, I think. I should also be drinking more more consistently.




Weight: 178.5
Hips: 33.5
Waist: 32.25
Chest: 40.0
Neck: 15.0
Left arm: 12.5
Right arm: 13.0
Left leg: 22.5
Right leg: 23.0

Gone down another pound and a half without really losing any leg or arm measurements, so I'm presuming it to be fat. Hips have gone up by 0.25 but that could just be a random fluctuation. Waist down by only 0.25 instead of 0.5 this week, and I think it might be because I've stopped eating as well as I was to begin with. I'll have to work harder on that next week. I've also decided not to use those body fat calipers because I don't think they're accurate enough to really be worth it.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Saturday, Day 7, Week 3

On Thursday night at 7:00 I stopped eating. For 43 hours. We were doing the 30 hour famine, to raise money for the poor starving children in Africa and all that. Since we were going to stop eating after breakfast, I decided to just stop eating after dinner that night and end up with another 13 hours of fasting. The hunger wasn't bad, probably mainly because I've become so used to it that hunger isn't a big deal to me any more. Even when those who weren't fasting busted out some food I didn't really feel all that hungry.

It was also my first day of any real exercise (though still only moderate in intensity) in five and a half weeks. Essentially the exercise was doing a fairly vigorous walk in hilly terrain without a path for half an hour on Friday night, and then some balls-out maximum effort jogging around 1:00 PM on Saturday. Oh and some fairly intense digging for treasure on Saturday morning. It wasn't that bad, even though I was running without food. I discovered how dismally out of shape I've gotten in 5 weeks, but I don't think there was much decrease in performance due to lack of food. This is good news for when I decide to start training again.

Concluding thoughts:
Going without food even for 43 hours doesn't really feel all that bad any more. The exercise without food wasn't bad either. 43 hours of fasting may have messed up my or something, but oh well big deal, I'll just do it right next week.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Thursday, Day 5, Week 3

Got skin-fold calipers from yesterday. Gonna have to add that to my list of measurements. Oddly enough they claim to be within 1.1% of underwater measuring, yet they only take one skin-fold site... I'm thinking of looking up a guide to getting a test with more sites than just one.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday, Day 1, Week 3

Hard to believe it's been two weeks already, but at the same time, hard to believe it's only been two weeks. Measurement day today.




Weight: 180.0
Hips: 33.25
Waist: 32.5
Chest: 40.0
Neck: 14.75
Left arm: 12.5
Right arm: 13.0
Left leg: 22.5
Right leg: 23.0

Lost another two pounds and another half inch at the waist. Some odd fluctuations in the arm measurements, but it's probably just a random fluctation from wrapping the tape measure around them slightly tighter or something. Next measuring day I might put up all the pictures so far side by side for comparison.